Patient-Centered Physical Therapy for a Pain-Free Life

Currently Accepting New Patients

We accept medicare

We Accept Medicare

We Provide Superbills for Insurance Reimbursement

We Accept HSA Cards

Currently Accepting
New Patients

We Accept Medicare

We Provide Superbills for
Insurance Reimbursement

We Accept HSA Cards

Improve your health and wellness through our holistic approach that recognizes the relationship between the mind, body, and spirit.


We emphasize patient education, empowering you with knowledge and involving you in your own healing process. With an understanding of how your body works and what it needs, you can feel confident and capable, allowing you to optimize your physical therapy experience and continue your progress outside the clinic.


Your body is complex and remarkable. It has incredible healing capabilities and just needs a little nudge in the right direction sometimes. We’ll help you unlock your body’s full potential with strategic exercises that restore strength, mobility, and health.


Incorporating holistic healing into your physical therapy improves your overall well-being, inside and out. Treatments like Reiki and Tuning Fork Sound Therapy aid emotional and spiritual relaxation and balance, which in turn promote physical wellness and healing.

Conditions We Treat

Experienced Therapists, Personal Care

Providing mindful, integrative physical therapy in San Luis Obispo and Woodstock.

1-on-1 Treatment

Our physical therapy clinic provides one-on-one treatments, ensuring you receive the attention you deserve.

Full Hour with the doctor

With our full one-hour sessions, you’ll have ample time to work with your physical therapist for comprehensive care.

Step-By-Step Therapy

To maximize the benefits of each exercise, we break down each step, explain the biomechanics of the movement, and demonstrate the correct form.

Mindful Practice

Our doctors discuss the reasoning and intent of each exercise and technique, involving patients in their healing process so they can clearly see how their individualized treatment plan leads them to their goals.

Individualized Care

We genuinely care about our patients, and we’re here to help each person reach their desired outcome and achieve their best health in a positive environment.

Access to Gym Facility

Our clinics are located at local fitness centers, providing space to work on your exercises under the guidance of our physical therapists.

Our Doctors

Led by Dr. Megan Mullin, our team of physical therapists has the experience, expertise, and dedication to ensure your treatment is positive and rewarding. Each of our doctors adheres to a patient-centered, holistic approach. We prioritize personalized, one-on-one care that treats the whole person, not just the symptom.

Schedule a Free Consultation

Chat with a member of our team to see how we can help you feel better and live pain free.

We empower individuals through knowledge by providing the tools necessary to lead a healthy and pain free life.

Manual Therapy

Your therapist may use hands-on techniques to manipulate tissues and joints, improving mobility and reducing pain.

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Health & wellness

We offer numerous services to improve your overall well-being, from strength and conditioning coaching to cupping therapy to weight loss programs.

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Hyperbaric Chamber

Discover the Healing Power of Hyperbaric Chamber Oxygen Therapy (HBOT), which involves breathing pure oxygen in a pressurized chamber.

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Cup Therapy

Cupping is a popular treatment based on ancient medicine that improves circulation and supports healing.

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Mobility & balance

Personalized physical therapy can help you regain or improve your mobility and balance. You’ll enjoy improved strength and range of motion and a reduced risk of injury.

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Pelvic Floor

We offer treatments and exercises for pelvic floor dysfunction to help you achieve better sexual function and bladder and bowel control.

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Running Analysis & INjuries

Boost your performance and lower your risk of sprains and injuries with our gait analysis and running form correction.

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Holistic Healing

As part of our integrative approach to wellness, we offer holistic treatments like Reiki and acupuncture that treat your mind, body, and spirit as one.

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