Man experiencing neck pain in need of physical therapy treatment
Man experiencing neck pain in need of physical therapy treatment

Discover Lasting Relief from Neck Pain

We are dedicated to helping you overcome neck pain and achieve optimal health. If you’re experiencing discomfort in your neck, this page is designed to provide valuable insights into the potential causes, with a focus on understanding neck pain. Learn about effective neck pain treatment and discover how our personalized physical therapy can guide you toward a life free of pain.

Understanding Neck Pain

Neck pain is a common condition that can range from mild discomfort to severe, debilitating pain. It can be caused by various factors, including:

  • Muscle Strain: Overuse or improper use of neck muscles.
  • Poor Posture: Prolonged periods of hunching or looking down.
  • Nerve Compression: Conditions like herniated discs or cervical stenosis.
  • Injuries: Trauma from accidents or falls.
  • Arthritis: Inflammation of the joints in the neck.

Identifying Neck Pain

  1. Localized Pain: Pain may be concentrated in the neck or radiate to the shoulders and upper back.
  2. Stiffness: Difficulty in turning the head or moving the neck.
  3. Headaches: Tension or migraine headaches associated with neck pain.
  4. Numbness or Tingling: Radiating sensations down the arms.
  5. Weakness: Difficulty in holding or lifting objects.

Possible Causes of Neck Pain

  1. Poor Ergonomics: Incorrect desk or computer setup.
  2. Text Neck: Strain from looking down at electronic devices.
  3. Whiplash: Sudden jerking motion, often from car accidents.
  4. Degenerative Disc Disease: Wear and tear on spinal discs.
  5. Stress and Tension: Emotional stress leading to muscle tension.

Treatment Options 

At our San Luis Obispo, California, and Woodstock, New York offices, we specialize in personalized neck pain treatment with a focus on addressing the underlying causes. Our holistic approach aims to empower you to regain mobility and live a pain-free life.

Manual Therapy

Hands-on techniques play a crucial role in alleviating neck pain. Our therapists use manual therapy to release tension, improve joint mobility, and promote overall neck health. Each session is designed to enhance your body’s natural healing process.

Personalized Exercise Programs

Our Doctors of Physical Therapy create customized exercise programs to strengthen and stretch the muscles in the neck and shoulders. By explaining the biomechanics of each exercise, we ensure you understand the purpose and benefits of your tailored program.

Postural Education

Correcting posture is essential in preventing and treating neck pain. We educate you on proper ergonomics and provide guidance on maintaining a healthy posture in daily activities.

Stress Management Techniques

Emotional stress can contribute to neck pain. We offer stress management techniques to help you relax and alleviate tension, promoting overall well-being.

Take the Next Step

If you’re experiencing neck pain, we encourage you to take the first step towards relief. Whether you’re in San Luis Obispo or Woodstock, our compassionate team is ready to guide you. Book an appointment online or contact us to request a consultation. Your journey to a pain-free and thriving life begins at Dr. Megan Mullin Physical Therapy.


Client Testimonials

"Dr. Megan Mullin is a consummate professional and a gifted physical therapist. The wide array of healing modalities that she uses is inspiring and impactful. I cannot recommend Megan highly enough."

Gail Straub , Empowerment Institute

“Megan is a body wizard. She is also a student of the most cutting edge body healing modalities. You could not be in better hands working with Megan."

David Gershon , Entrepreneur

Dr. Mullin is extremely caring and kind. She listens fully and is attentive to your needs. Megan is truly gifted, intuitive & has helped me so much. She is delightful to work with and I actually look forward to my physical therapy appointments!

Joan C. , Patient