Orthopedic Pain

Don’t let orthopedic pain hold you back from doing the things you love

Orthopedics is a specialized branch of medicine that focuses on treating musculoskeletal injuries and conditions. This can include disorders and damage that affects the bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments, and joints. Physical therapy is often essential for healing musculoskeletal injuries and managing the orthopedic pain or immobility they cause. Our physical therapists use the latest techniques and technologies to help you recover from your injury and regain your mobility.

Learn more about Orthopedic Pain

Orthopedic pain refers to discomfort or dysfunction affecting the musculoskeletal system, which includes bones, joints, muscles, ligaments, and tendons. At Dr. Megan Mullin Physical Therapy, we specialize in diagnosing and educating patients about orthopedic pain to help them better understand their condition. Learn more about the common causes of orthopedic pain below:

1. Muscle Strains and Sprains: Muscle strains occur when muscles are overstretched or torn, often due to sudden movements or overexertion. Sprains, on the other hand, involve the stretching or tearing of ligaments that connect bones to each other. Both muscle strains and sprains can result in pain, swelling, stiffness, and limited range of motion.

2. Joint Injuries and Arthritis: Joint injuries, such as dislocations, fractures, or cartilage tears, can lead to orthopedic pain and dysfunction. Additionally, arthritis, including osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, can cause inflammation and degeneration of joint tissues, resulting in chronic pain, stiffness, and reduced mobility.

3. Tendonitis and Tendon Injuries: Tendonitis refers to inflammation of the tendons, which are fibrous tissues that connect muscles to bones. Tendonitis can occur due to overuse, repetitive motions, or sudden injuries, leading to pain, swelling, and tenderness in affected areas. In severe cases, tendon injuries such as tendon tears or ruptures may occur, causing significant pain and functional impairment.

4. Back and Neck Pain: Orthopedic pain can also affect the spine, leading to conditions such as herniated discs, spinal stenosis, or degenerative disc disease. These conditions can cause localized pain, radiating pain, numbness, tingling, and weakness in the back, neck, and extremities.

5. Overuse Injuries: Overuse injuries result from repetitive stress or strain on the musculoskeletal system, often occurring in athletes or individuals engaged in repetitive activities. Common overuse injuries include tendonitis, stress fractures, bursitis, and carpal tunnel syndrome.

Understanding the common causes of orthopedic pain is essential for effectively managing and treating your condition. If you’re experiencing orthopedic pain, schedule an appointment with Dr. Megan Mullin Physical Therapy for a thorough evaluation and personalized treatment plan.

Orthopedic pain can be debilitating, affecting your ability to perform everyday tasks and enjoy your favorite activities. At Dr. Megan Mullin Physical Therapy, we offer a comprehensive and modern approach to treating orthopedic pain, utilizing cutting-edge techniques and personalized care to help you find relief and regain function. Learn more about our approach below:

Comprehensive Evaluation and Assessment: When you visit Dr. Megan Mullin Physical Therapy for orthopedic pain, we’ll start by conducting a comprehensive evaluation to assess your condition, identify the underlying causes of your pain, and develop a personalized treatment plan tailored to your specific needs and goals. Our experienced physical therapists will perform a thorough examination, including a review of your medical history, an assessment of your symptoms and functional limitations, and specialized tests and measures to evaluate your strength, flexibility, and mobility.

Individualized Treatment Plans: We believe in providing personalized care to each of our patients, which is why we develop customized treatment plans tailored to your unique needs, goals, and lifestyle. Your treatment plan may include a combination of hands-on techniques, therapeutic exercises, modalities, and patient education designed to address the underlying causes of your pain and promote healing. We’ll work closely with you to ensure that your treatment plan is effective, manageable, and aligned with your preferences and priorities.

Cutting-Edge Techniques and Modalities: At Dr. Megan Mullin Physical Therapy, we stay at the forefront of our field by incorporating cutting-edge techniques and modalities into our treatment approach. From manual therapy techniques such as joint mobilizations and soft tissue massage to advanced modalities such as ultrasound, electrical stimulation, and laser therapy, we utilize a variety of tools and technologies to optimize your recovery and enhance your outcomes.

Functional Rehabilitation and Performance Enhancement: Our goal is not only to alleviate your pain but also to improve your overall function and performance. We focus on functional rehabilitation, which involves restoring your ability to perform everyday tasks and activities with ease and efficiency. Through targeted exercises, functional activities, and sport-specific drills, we can help you regain strength, flexibility, balance, and coordination, allowing you to return to your normal activities and enjoy life to the fullest.

Education and Empowerment: We believe in empowering our patients with knowledge about their condition and teaching them self-management strategies to maintain their progress and prevent future injuries. Our physical therapists will educate you about the underlying causes of your pain, proper body mechanics, ergonomics, and injury prevention techniques, empowering you to take an active role in your recovery and long-term wellness.

Orthopedic pain can be debilitating, affecting your ability to perform everyday tasks and enjoy life to the fullest. At Dr. Megan Mullin Physical Therapy, we offer a unique and comprehensive approach to treating orthopedic pain with physical therapy. Discover the numerous benefits of choosing our approach for orthopedic pain relief and recovery:

1. Personalized and Holistic Care: At Dr. Megan Mullin Physical Therapy, we believe in providing personalized and holistic care to each of our patients. Our approach focuses on understanding the individual needs, goals, and concerns of every patient and developing customized treatment plans tailored to their specific circumstances. By addressing the physical, emotional, and psychological aspects of orthopedic pain, we strive to provide comprehensive care that promotes healing and wellness.

2. Evidence-Based Treatment Protocols: Our treatment protocols are grounded in the latest research and evidence-based practices in physical therapy. We continuously evaluate and update our approach to ensure that our patients receive the most effective and efficient care possible. By utilizing evidence-based techniques and modalities, we can maximize the effectiveness of our treatments and optimize outcomes for our patients.

3. Hands-On Manual Therapy Techniques: We incorporate hands-on manual therapy techniques into our treatment approach to address orthopedic pain and dysfunction. Our skilled physical therapists use techniques such as joint mobilizations, soft tissue massage, and stretching to alleviate pain, improve joint mobility, and restore normal movement patterns. By targeting the source of your pain with manual therapy, we can provide immediate relief and facilitate long-term healing.

4. Functional Rehabilitation and Performance Enhancement: Our approach to physical therapy emphasizes functional rehabilitation and performance enhancement. We focus on restoring your ability to perform everyday tasks and activities with ease and efficiency while also improving your overall physical performance. Through targeted exercises, functional activities, and sport-specific drills, we can help you regain strength, flexibility, balance, and coordination, allowing you to return to your normal activities and excel in your pursuits.

5. Education and Empowerment: We believe in empowering our patients with knowledge about their condition and teaching them self-management strategies to maintain their progress and prevent future injuries. Our physical therapists will educate you about the underlying causes of your orthopedic pain, proper body mechanics, ergonomics, and injury prevention techniques, empowering you to take an active role in your recovery and long-term wellness.

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Take the Next Step

If you’re experiencing orthopedic pain, don’t wait any longer to seek treatment. Schedule an appointment with Dr. Megan Mullin Physical Therapy today and experience the difference of our comprehensive and modern approach to physical therapy. Our dedicated team is here to help you find relief, regain function, and live life to the fullest. Let us be your partner in health and wellness.