Stuart Margulies

I have been a patient of Dr. Alicia Kowsky for almost two years. I feel I have benefited greatly from our work. Our usual sessions have helped me bring my body into better fitness, reducing chronic aches and pains. And I’ve sometimes  came feeling old and very distressed,  and left feeling well. She has been a fine…

Vanessa A

If you’re not sure what you need to feel your best, Dr. Megan is sure to figure it out. In a short time, she not only provided relief, but also empowered me to work with the pain points long after the treatment with mindful movement exercises and knowledge of how my body moved.

Mick R.

After visits with multiple doctors, Dr. Mullin was recommended to me for physical therapy in an attempt to avoid an invasive procedure. Her vast knowledge and incredibly wide range of modalities delivered unbelievable success!